Writer's Block Ahead

[THESE DAYS: A Commentary]
A collection of attempted humor by Dan O'Leary

(* - Reader's Pick)
Pluto Downsized
August 2006

Farewell, Ted and Gloria
March 2006

Cheney's Got a Gun
February 2006

How Deadly is That Sin?*
December 2005

Back to Skool*
September 2005

Little Tykes, Big Bucks*
August 2005

FYI: the 411 on TXT
July 2005

Hot Topics
June 2005

Brought To You By The Letters OMG*
April 2005

Christmas Carol Cutouts*
December 2004

A New Day in America
November 2004

Vote These Days Party '04
October 2004

A Bug's Life
May 2004

Outsourcing? Outstanding!*
April 2004

Can You Hear Me Now? (click!)*
November 2003

Hollywood Halloween Horrors
October 2003

(Not) Reality TV
September 2003

What I'll Do On My Summer Vacation*
August 2003

Show Me The Way To Go Home (Depot)
June 2003

It's Raining, It's Pouring, The Old Man's Not Snoring*
May 2003

You Want Fries With That Lawsuit?
March 2003

Lost In The Super Market
February 2003

Happy New...1979?
January 2003

December 2002

This Movie Stinks! Really!
November 2002

Back In My (School) Day...
September 2002

Pass The SPF-90, Santa*
August 2002

Must See TV...or Else
June 2002

Unreal Estates*
May 2002

Spring (Cleaning) Has Sprung*
March 2002

Your Handy Holiday Shopping Guide
December 2001

CAUTION! Hazardous Words!*
November 2001

Make A Wish, Blow Out The Punchcards*
August 2001

Will Bug Phones For Food
July 2001

The Phantom Critic Menace
June 2001

The Return of Saturn*
May 2001

Your Ad Here, And Here...*
March 2001

"Dave? What Happened, Dave?"
February 2001

"You Mean Dewey Didn't Beat Truman?"
January 2001

Surviving The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year*
December 2000

Florida Hosts "Mr. Democracy's Wild Ride"
November 2000

Now Playing -- "It's A Wonderful Life of Brian"
September 2000

Darwinism on the Highways
March 2000

Hey, Guys...Darva Conger's Single Again!
February 2000

It's The End Of The World ... Again
December 1999

Regis Picks a President
November 1999

Too Much Information?
October 1999

That's My Final Answer
September 1999

8KShould Be Enough For Anyone
August 1999

The Fandom Manace
May 1999

Oxford's Word Search
March 1999

The THESE DAYS Awards, 1998!
January 1999

How The Grinch Saved Christmas -- A sequel (of sorts)*
December 1998

Counting My Blessings ... Sort of
November 1998

Movin' Right Along*
September 1998

And Now, A Warning From Our Sponsor*
August 1998

Hug A Luddite
July 1998

Open Mouth, Taste Foot
June 1998

And Baby Makes Four*
May 1998

While You Were Out
April 1998

I'm Ronny, Fly Me*
March 1998

The Starr Chamber
February 1998

OK, Folks! Drink 'em Up! 1997 Is Now Closed!
January 1998

Taming the Holiday Herd
December 1997

Dial R For Retaliation
November 1997

They Blinded Us With Science
October 1997

Call Mulder and Scully!
September 1997

A Nice Place To Visit?
August 1997

Great Taste, Less Dead People*
July 1997

When A Problem Comes Along, You Must Whip It
June 1997

New and Improved Reruns
May 1997

Cloning Around
April 1997

"Lose Weight! Ask Me How!"*
March 1997

You've Come a Long Way, Baby*
February 1997

1996: What Were We Thinking?
January 1997

Oh, Come, All Ye Grinches
December 1996

...And The Politicians Throwing Stones
November 1996

Wanna See Something REALLY Scary?
October 1996

Point & Click...& Click...& Click...& Click...
August 1996

Summertime Junk Food For The Mind
July 1996

I Carry My Brains In My Back Pocket*
June 1996

Spring Cleaning: Some Helpful Hints
May 1996

Does Your Snowman Have Sunblock?
April 1996

Bigger? Better? Faster?
March 1996

Let's Do The Time Warp Again
February 1996

Darwinism on the Highways

March 2000

We Homo Sapiens like to think we're the top icon on the evolutionary totem pole. Sure, we're intelligent, we learn stuff, but there's no reason to think we're the best thing this planet can produce. (The existance of Adam Sandler alone should convince anybody of that.) But that hasn't stopped man from trying various things to stop nature's progress.

We have a situation like that here in NJ. Governor Christie Whitman just revised our existing seat belt law. Police officers could previously ticket unbelted drivers only if they were stopped for some other reason. The new law now allows for motorists to be stopped solely for not using the buckled body binders. The site of police cruisers veering off the road as they search the oncoming traffic for seat belt offenders aside, I don't think the tougher law is really necessary.

It's always best to drive with protection, no matter what Gary Busey's helmet-free head might say. Mentally strip away the chassis of your car and you basically have a 65 MPH catapult with a comfy chair attached to it. Common sense should welcome any device that prevents involuntary egress from said comfy chair and causes your anatomy to look like the watermelons after a Gallagher show. (It's a physics lesson I learned watching the trials of Wile E. Coyote.) My arms can't support my own body weight for more than a couple of push-ups, so my grip behind the wheel isn't going to suddenly be able to resist me with 1800 pounds of thrust behind it. Bruce Banner I'm not.

About now you're asking "So what does this have to do with the laws of nature?" A person only jeopardizes himself when he avoids some minor seat belt discomfort to risk possibly being launched from his car like a Kennedy from a bar an hour after last call. When we pass laws to keep the bottom feeders in line, we protect them from being hazards to themselves and keep the principles of Darwin from taking effect. Do we really want Mr. Talking On The Cell Phone While Slurping His Café Latte Working His Palm Pilot And Adjusting His Tie At 70 MPH to walk away without a scratch when he turns his oversized SUV into charred origami? Keeping these people in the gene pool only keeps all of us in the shoulder lane of the evolution highway.

It's time to stop toying with natural selection. Let's do our part to let the weak cull themselves from the herd. Keep the idiot population in check and don't enact laws that keep them from doing what they do best. Your species is counting on you.

Besides, with fewer cars on the road, maybe we all can get to work on time.

LEGAL STUFF: All content copyright © 1996-2006 Daniel O'Leary. All rights reserved. No unauthorized duplication, publication, or distribution.

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Dan O'Leary is a contributor to New Jersey Lifestyle Magazine.

He has previously written online editorials to NJ-shout.com (RIP), Great Society.org, and Songsource.com, among others. He has also been featured in ShoreGuide and AbsoluteWrite.com.

Dan is a current member of the NetWits humorist's collective.

Since his early twenties, Dan's writings have also been prominently featured on the refrigerator in his parents' home. "Sure, they make no sense," Mrs. O'Leary comments, "but we're proud of him -- no matter what everyone else says."

Web Page and Essays Copyright © Dan O'Leary